Edwin Best CRM & Cx
Successful customer-centric business
Your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in line with Customer experience (Cx) for engaged employees and customers.
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Call +31308771370 or WA / text +3163989242 or e-mail edwin@edwinbest.nl or fill in the contact form:
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Edwinbest.org respects your privacy and declares to treat your obtained personal data confidentially. The starting point is that we handle your data the way we want our own data to be handled. In this privacy statement you can read everything about the way in which personal data is collected and how it is handled. This explains where data is stored and for what purposes data is processed.
About EdwinBest.org
I guide entrepreneurs and institutions with the transformation to successful customer-centric business. I manage this by aligning CRM with Customer experience (Cx) for engaged employees and customers. The effect of this? A flexible organization where the employee and customer are central to all facets of the business. Depending on context and issue, the several pathways vary from total projects (from strategy to implementation) to subprojects (a masterclass, a selection of a CRM solution).

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Management book
Successful customer-centric business
Together with business partners and customers I have developed and implemented strategies and run consultancy trajectories in the field of CRM, Customer experience and customer centricity since October 1st, 2009.
The experience I have gained together with the most recent trends and developments are translated in my management book, which was released in 2019.

Global Cx journey around the world
April 1st 2022, the moment of celebrating my 12.5 years as an entrepreneur in the CRM & Cx business. To celebrate this and to inspire I have written together with 12 Cx consultants around the globe: Global Cx journey around the world